Advantage Coaching & Training, Inc.
122 N. Wheaton Ave./PO #1529
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone (630) 293-0210
Fax (630) 293-0277
Toll Free (800) 657-5904
Could you benefit from coaching? Take this quick test to find out!
Now, imagine the numbers you chose connecting to form a wheel. The rounder the wheel, the more balanced your life. Imagine how your car would travel if the wheels were in this shape! Are you content with the balance? If not, we can help. We work with individuals who desire growth, success, and balance in their lives.
Executive Coaching is dynamic relationship between a qualified coach and a motivated individual. Our 30 minute no risk session will provide you an opportunity to experience coaching first hand. Contact us and we will assist you in selecting the best coach for you.
You and your coach set up a schedule to meet either in person or over the phone. Coaching sessions average 45 minutes, every two weeks. The coaching schedule is set to accommodate you and can fluctuate as coaching needs change.
Coaching is 100% confidential. The coaching relationship is built on trust and confidentiality is critical. When we are hired by a corporation to provide individual coaching we agree up front on the confidentiality. In this situation, confidentiality is determined jointly by you, your corporation, and your coach.
To find out more about how our executive coaching can assist your and to set up a no risk coaching session, contact us.