Advantage Coaching & Training, Inc.
122 N. Wheaton Ave./PO #1529
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone (630) 293-0210
Fax (630) 293-0277
Toll Free (800) 657-5904
Could you benefit from coaching? Take this quick test to find out!
Now, imagine the numbers you chose connecting to form a wheel. The rounder the wheel, the more balanced your life. Imagine how your car would travel if the wheels were in this shape! Are you content with the balance? If not, we can help. We work with individuals who desire growth, success, and balance in their lives. Print this page if you would like to do this test on paper.
Have you worked through these common blocks to achieving your full potential? On a scale of 1-7 with “7” being the highest, rate yourself on how much you struggle with each of these issues:
If your total score is over “32” or any one score is over “3” you may be inhibited from achieving your maximum level of success.
We specialize in working with your core issues in a way that brings out your strengths and helps you to perform at your best. Using a positive approach, we focus on target performance and strategic actions to produce change that leaves people feeling capable and good about themselves.
When we work directly with you our services are 100% confidential. This allows you to share with your coach at a level you may find difficult to reach with others. This level of confidentiality also allows us to maintain our objectivity.
Coaching is based on a trusting and respectful relationship. Therefore, it is important to work with a personal coach who is not only credentialed and experienced, but someone you can connect with.
We offer a 30-minute no risk coaching session to help you determine if you and your coach are a good fit. We do not use this session to “sell” you on coaching. We use this time to help you experience what personal coaching is and how it can benefit you. We trust your judgment in knowing if the match is right.
You can pick from our main group of coaches by reading their bios and directly requesting an appointment or by contacting us and we will try to match you with the best coach.
The frequency of coaching sessions is determined by you and your personal coach, but many of our clients find it helpful to meet at least two times a month for 45 minutes at a time. This meeting can be done either over the phone or in person.
We offer a trial coaching session at no risk or obligation. For more information and to schedule an initial “no-pressure” meeting you can contact us.