Essential Skills That Put You On Top
By Tim Ursiny, Ph.D. and Dave Bolz. This is the second book in the Top Performer’s Series. Top performers face conflict head-on and come out on top. You are just a short read away from mastering this essential skill.
You don’t want to avoid conflict…you want to take advantage of it!
Nobody likes conflict, but you can’t avoid it. Top performers just like you face these issues every day. If you know how to deal with conflict well, you can turn it into your biggest opportunity for success.
The Top Performers Guide to Conflict is your essential conflict handbook, giving you the tools you need to manage change and come out on top.
- Face conflict head-on
- Resolve issues quickly
- Anticipate problems early
- Take charge in any situation
- Become an office leader
Each chapter in the book follows a simple stucture of:
Chapter Overview:
Each chapter begins with a summary of the contents of that chapter.
Real-Life Conflict:
In this section we share true stories taken from our personal experience or the experience of our clients that relate to the information in this chapter.
What Top Performers Know:
This section holds the meat of the chapter. We will share hard lessons that top performers have learned in their careers. We will also summarize research and perspectives from authors, authorities, and leaders.
Coaching and Application:
Each chapter has exercises to deepen your learning. We highly encourage you to do the exercises as you go along.
Table of Contents:
- Chapter 1: Why Top Performers Have to Know About Conflict
- Chapter 2: Getting to the Real Source of Conflict
- Chapter 3: Recognizing Conflict and Making Wise Choices
- Chapter 4: Dealing with Difficult Subordinates, Peers, and Managers
- Chapter 5: Building Strength by Overcoming Adversity
- Chapter 6: Working Productively with Others
- Chapter 7: Managing, Mentoring, and Coaching Others Through Conflict
- Chapter 8: The GROWS Conflict Conversation Method: A Simple Five-Step Model