Advantage Coaching & Training, Inc.
122 N. Wheaton Ave./PO #1529
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone (630) 293-0210
Fax (630) 293-0277
Toll Free (800) 657-5904
ACT offers workshops that have been described as:
If you recognize the importance of coaching versus managing your employees for maximum impact we can help you raise your coaching skills to obtain peak performance.
Coaching is a hot term in management circles. You will understand key coaching concepts and how coaching is different from other forms of consulting, counseling, managing, and mentoring.
Coaching can only be effective when people understand the impact of their own interactional styles and the styles of those with whom they interact. You will discover your own personal style and understand how to apply this in coaching others. You will also be able to maximize your coaching by understanding how to recognize other’s interactional style and use it to produce greater levels of motivation and productivity.
Successful corporate coaching is built around a relationship that effectively uses five essential elements. You will be able to apply these five elements to successfully coach others in organizations.
There are several key skills and techniques that corporate coaches regularly use in their relationships with others: 10 Powerful Questions, active listening, supportive dialogue, and accountability are just some of the skills that will be practiced in this segment of the workshop. Opportunities to incorporate real-world and real-work situations create the “power of application” that makes this learning session meaningful.
Gaps and goals is a key element to successful corporate coaching. Corporate coaches assist people in setting goals that really matter to them – goals in terms of leadership, management training, new learning, or future career aspirations. A “gap” is the space between where the person currently is and where the person really wants to be. Strategies and actions for identifying goals that matter, discovering the gaps and developing S.M.A.R.T. goals will be taught and applied to real work situations. You will discover the secret to empowered goal setting which results in propelling your coachee to new levels of motivation and productivity.
This workshop is loaded with experiential exercises designed to ensure sustained learning and application of skills over a wide variety of situations. You will use tag-team coaching, feedback sessions and role-plays to ingrain learning and build your confidence in how to be a successful corporate coach.
To discuss developing a coaching skills workshop for your business or organization, please call us at 630-293-0210 or contact us.